GFX Sensations 1
Graphic Sensations - Volume 1.iso
4d-bbs install
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Text File
324 lines
; This script qinstalls 4D-BBS V2.8x+ from the factory disk or archive.
; "4D-BBS_Install:" should either be the name of the disk containing
; the archive, or you should assign "4D-BBS_Install:" to the directory
; where you unarchived 4D-BBS.
; This script is Copyright © 1993 by CornerStone Software. If you
; change anything in this script DO NOT redistribute the script.
; Please contact CornerStone Software if you have any problems with
; this script.
; The following ToolTypes should be set for the icon:
; SCRIPT=4D-BBS_Install
; LOGFILE=Ram:4DInstall.Log
(welcome "Welcome to " @appname " Installation!\n")
(complete 0)
(set InstSrc "4D-BBS_Install:" ; Install From path
Text "Text"
Menu "Menu"
Users "Users"
Boards "Boards"
Files1 "Files"
Doors "Doors"
Docs "Docs"
Execs "C"
(transcript "Starting 4D-BBS Installation")
(set DestDir (if (exists "4D-BBS:" (noreq))
(expandpath "4D-BBS:")
(set help-dest (cat "This is where you can specify the location where "
@app-name " will install it's directories and files."))
(set @default-dest
(prompt ("Select where to create %s' main directory:" @app-name))
(help help-dest)
(default DestDir)))
(complete 2)
(set @default-dest (tackon @default-dest "4D-BBS"))
(if (NOT (exists @default-dest))
(makedir @default-dest
(complete 4)
(if (NOT (exists (tackon @default-dest BBS)))
(makedir (tackon @default-dest BBS)))
(complete 5)
(if (NOT (exists (tackon @default-dest Text)))
(makedir (tackon @default-dest Text)))
(complete 6)
(if (NOT (exists (tackon @default-dest Menu)))
(makedir (tackon @default-dest Menu)))
(complete 7)
(if (NOT (exists (tackon @default-dest Execs)))
(makedir (tackon @default-dest Execs)))
(complete 8)
(if (NOT (exists (tackon @default-dest Docs)))
(makedir (tackon @default-dest Docs)))
(complete 9)
(if (NOT (exists (tackon @default-dest Users)))
(makedir (tackon @default-dest Users)))
(complete 10)
(set help-dest (cat "This is where you can specify the directory where "
@app-name " will install it's Message Files."))
(set BoardsDir
(prompt "Select directory to store message files:" )
(help help-dest)
(default (tackon @default-dest Boards))))
(if (NOT (exists (tackon @default-dest Boards)))
(makedir (tackon @default-dest Boards)))
(complete 12)
(set help-dest (cat "This is where you can specify the directory where "
@app-name " will install it's Files for Transfer sections."))
(set Files1Dir
(prompt "Select directory to store file transfers:")
(help help-dest)
(default (tackon @default-dest Files1))))
(if (NOT (exists (tackon @default-dest Files1)))
(makedir (tackon @default-dest Files1)))
(complete 14)
(set help-dest (cat "This is where you can specify the directory where "
@app-name " will install it's Doors and External programs."))
(set DoorsDir
(prompt "Select directory to store external doors:")
(help help-dest)
(default (tackon @default-dest Doors))))
(if (NOT (exists (tackon @default-dest Doors)))
(makedir (tackon @default-dest Doors)))
(complete 16)
(if (= (exists "Envarc:4D-BBS" (noreq)) 1))
(rename "Envarc:4D-BBS" "Envarc:4D-BBS.Old") ;What would this be?
(if (NOT (exists "Envarc:4D-BBS"))
(makedir "Envarc:4D-BBS"))
(complete 18)
(textfile (dest "Envarc:4D-BBS/Config") (append "S:4D.Config" ))
(textfile (dest "Envarc:4D-BBS/BBS" ) (append (tackon @default-dest BBS )))
(textfile (dest "Envarc:4D-BBS/Text" ) (append (tackon @default-dest Text )))
(textfile (dest "Envarc:4D-BBS/Menu" ) (append (tackon @default-dest Menu )))
(textfile (dest "Envarc:4D-BBS/Users" ) (append (tackon @default-dest Users )))
(textfile (dest "Envarc:4D-BBS/Doors" ) (append DoorsDir ))
(if (NOT (exists "Env:4D-BBS"))
(makedir "Env:4D-BBS"))
(copyfiles (source "Envarc:4D-BBS") (dest "Env:4D-BBS" ) (all) )
(complete 20)
(copyfiles (prompt "Copying BBS Files...")
(source (tackon InstSrc BBS))
(dest (tackon @default-dest BBS))
(complete 24)
(copyfiles (prompt "Copying Text Files...")
(source (tackon InstSrc Text))
(dest (tackon @default-dest Text))
(complete 28)
(copyfiles (prompt "Copying Menu Files...")
(source (tackon InstSrc Menu))
(dest (tackon @default-dest Menu))
(complete 32)
(copyfiles (prompt "Copying User Files...")
(source (tackon InstSrc Users))
(dest (tackon @default-dest Users))
(complete 36)
(copyfiles (prompt "Copying Transfer Files...")
(source (tackon InstSrc Files1))
(dest Files1Dir)
(complete 40)
(copyfiles (prompt "Copying Message Files...")
(source (tackon InstSrc Boards))
(dest BoardsDir)
(complete 44)
(copyfiles (prompt "Copying Doors Files...")
(source (tackon InstSrc Doors))
(dest DoorsDir)
(complete 48)
(copyfiles (prompt "Copying Fonts to Fonts: directory")
(source (tackon InstSrc "Fonts"))
(dest "Fonts:")
(complete 52)
(copyfiles (prompt "Copying Config File to S: directory")
(source (tackon InstSrc "S"))
(dest "S:")
(complete 56)
(copyfiles (prompt "Copying Executable Files...")
(source (tackon InstSrc Execs))
(dest (tackon @default-dest Execs))
(complete 60)
(if (askbool
(prompt (cat "Are you using a high speed modem which will require 4D-BBS "
"to lock the serial port at a specific baud rate the entire "
"time in which the BBS is running?"))
(help "High speed modems normally require a constant serial rate "
"between the computer and the modem, irrelevent of the "
"carrier rate between the two modems. This speed should "
"be ATLEAST greater than the highest carrier rate your "
"modem supports. See your modem for the recommeneded rate."))
(set lockbaud (askchoice
(choices "9600" "19200" "38400" "57600" "76800" "115200")
(prompt "Please select a baud rate out of the following list, "
"in which the BBS should lock the serial rate at.")
(default 1)
(help "High speed modems normally require a constant serial rate "
"between the computer and the modem, irrelevent of the "
"carrier rate between the two modems. This speed should "
"be ATLEAST greater than the highest carrier rate your "
"modem supports. See your modem for the recommeneded rate.")
)) ; end of set lockbaud askchoice
(set(lockbaud, -1)))
(complete 65)
(if (= lockbaud -1)
(set lbstring "")
(if (= lockbaud 0)
(set lbstring "/b9600")
(if (= lockbaud 1)
(set lbstring "/b19200")
(if (= lockbaud 2)
(set lbstring "/b38400")
(if (= lockbaud 3)
(set lbstring "/b57600")
(if (= lockbaud 4)
(set lbstring "/b76800")
(if (= lockbaud 5)
(set lbstring "/b115200"))))))))
(copyfiles (prompt "Creating StartBBS File...")
(source (tackon InstSrc "StartBBS.Info"))
(dest @default-dest)
(textfile (dest (tackon @default-dest "StartBBS"))
(append ("Path %s Add\n" (tackon @default-dest Execs)))
(append "Stack 16384\n")
(append ("Run >NIL: <NIL: %s/4D-BBS %s\n" (tackon @default-dest Execs) lbstring))
(complete 70)
(message "The Configuration editor will now be run for you to customize "
"the BBS. Please refer to the manual if you have any questions "
"about the configuration editor")
(set @execute-dir Execs)
(run ("NewShell From %ss/CFG_ED-Startup CON:2/10/636/180/CFG_ED" InstSrc))
(complete 75)
(if (askbool
(prompt "Would you like to Setup the Message Bases Now?")
(help (cat "This will run the MB_ED program, and allow you to customize "
"the default message section configurations of the BBS"))
(choices "Setup" "Skip"))
(run ("NewShell From %ss/MB_ED-Startup CON:2/10/636/180/MB_ED" InstSrc))
(message "You will need to run the Message Base Editor (MB_ED) in "
"order to customize the message base sections.")
(complete 80)
(if (askbool
(prompt "Would you like to Setup the File Transfers Now?")
(help (cat "This will run the FCL_ED program, and allow you to customize "
"the default transfer section configurations of the BBS"))
(choices "Setup" "Skip"))
(run ("NewShell From %ss/FCL_ED-Startup CON:2/10/636/180/FCL_ED" InstSrc))
(message "You will need to run the File Catalog Editor (FCL_ED) in "
"order to customize the file transfer sections.")
(complete 85)
(if (askbool
(prompt "Would you like to edit the user defaults Now?")
(help (cat "This will run the UD_ED program, and allow you to customize "
"the default access a new user and member will receive."))
(choices "Edit" "Skip"))
(run ("NewShell From %ss/UD_ED-Startup CON:2/10/636/180/UD_ED" InstSrc))
(message "You will need to run the User Default Editor (UD_ED) in "
"order to customize the default access rights for users.")
(complete 90)
(if (askbool
(prompt "Would you like to create any user accounts Now?")
(help (cat "This will run the U_ED program, and allow you to customize "
"and create any users of the BBS, including a SysOp account."))
(choices "Create" "Skip"))
(run ("NewShell From %ss/U_ED-Startup CON:2/10/636/180/U_ED" InstSrc))
(message "You will need to run the User Editor (U_ED) if "
"you wish to change a user's account or make yourself a SysOp")
(complete 95)
(if (askbool
(prompt "Would you like to Create any bulletins Now?")
(help (cat "This will run the B_ED program, and allow you to customize "
"and create bulletins which are displayed at logon."))
(choices "Create" "Skip"))
(run ("NewShell From %ss/B_ED-Startup CON:2/10/636/180/B_ED" InstSrc))
(message "You will need to run the Bulletin Editor (E_ED) if "
"you wish to change or add any bulletins.")
(complete 100)
(exit (cat "\n\nTo start 4D-BBS use the 'StartBBS' script found in the "
@default-dest " Directory. \n\n Thank You for Supporting "
"CornerStone Software!"))